Vegetarians/ Vegans

When you talk about being a vegetarian in Portugal I often have the feeling that the potato scene of Everything is Illuminated can be repeated over and over (see bottom of the post to check the video). Many friends of mine around here have sworn that this could also happen if you go to the countryside in Germany.
Of course this is quite a general idea that has been slowly changing and which assumes a completely different perspective when you come to bigger cities in both countries. Around Germany it is nowadays not uncommon at all to find vegetarian offers on most of the restaurants you go.
Being Hamburg the second biggest city in Germany and with quite a strong alternative social movements, the fight for a larger vegetarian community is pretty obvious not only by the different workshops offered by the most diverse sort of associations and social movements, but also with different stickers that you find a bit all over the city. Most of these are not connected to any sort of organization and they are produced by individuals who want to express and share their life philosophy with the passers-by.
And maybe even convince them.
I also eat just a little bit of meat

To have milk there's calfs dying

And here's the scene I have referred to in the beginning of the post:


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